Two months ago, fourteen Rabbonim signed a very strong letter against the book “Pshuto Shel Mikra.”
While some people doubted the authenticity of the signatures, I can testify that every single one was authentic and honestly come by, as I worked closely with the person who toiled to get each Rav’s chasima.
More chaos arose when people were led to believe that some of the Gedolim who had signed had not meant it. A letter circulated which truly had some people confused, but here is the bottom line:
On Asara B’teves, Rav Aharon Feldman penned the above letter, stating to the effect: “Without entering into the details, I wish to announce publicly that because “Pshuto Shel Mikra” contains in it much harm for those who learn it, I partner in the prohibition to learn it, to teach it, to keep it in the house, and to do business with it, as I signed in the Kol Korei which went out against it, and NOT as was publicized in my name afterwards.”
Rav Aharon Feldman’s letter was subsequently also signed, as can be seen above, by the three Roshei Yeshiva whose true stance on Pshuto Shel Mikra had been called into question by the letter that had circulated without their permission.
By their signatures here, hopefully Rav Aharon Feldman and the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva have made their true position concerning the danger that Pshuto Shel Mikra poses to Klal Yisrael perfectly clear to all.
If you have any lingering doubts, I encourage you to call or visit the Gedolim yourself and hear directly from them why they feel strongly that Pshuto Shel Mikra is so harmful to Klal Yisrael.
Next, I would like to present you with an excellent explanation that has been written about what the fundamental problems with Pshuto Shel Mikra are.
Once you read this article, you will likely understand the dangers to our Mesora so deeply on your own, that you won’t need any Kol Koreis anymore.
If you have any doubts whatsoever about Pshuto Shel Mikra being highly problematic, please take the hour or so to go through these fourteen pages thoroughly. For the sake of your Emuna and that of your family, it is very worthwhile. Even if you already realize that PSM should not be used, I strongly encourage you to read the following carefully so that you can explain the issues well to other people.
Instead of copy-pasting this detailed article, I am including pictures of each page, followed by a PDF that you can download. Print the PDF, if you can, and give it out in your shul.
Here is the downloadable PDF:
I disagree with the author of the above on one point. While he takes great care to avoid accusing the editors of PSM of any problematic intentions, my Rav feels differently.
Under the guidance of my Rav, I wrote in my original article, concerning a key person involved in the preparation of PSM, to the effect:
It is obvious that he is an apikores from the kefira that he writes. He is part of a large network of kofrim, most of whom studied in a university for “Jewish leadership and society change” headed by someone who no longer is a Shomer Torah Umitzvos, whom we’ll call B. What is even more dangerous is that the head of this organization, B., still dresses as a very religious Jew – while privately deriding Torah and Mitzvos.
Be’ezras Hashem, under the guidance of my Rav, I hope to focus in another article soon on the identity of “B.” and the grave threat to our people posed by him and his organization. But that is another topic.
Here is my original article: