Part 2: Continuation of excerpts of Rabbi Weissman’s critical alerts regarding the dangers of trusting hidden enemies. The full articles can be found on his website (link provided at the end.) P.S. I have not opened all the links provided here.
`290 Abandoning our people and our land to our enemies
Chananya Weissman
October 19, 2023
Here is a report I received from a concerned citizen, which echoes what I have heard from several others:
"The government is trying to relocate many families from the areas near Gaza. WZO (World Zionist Organization) put out flyers to offer them vacation apartments that many in the US own. Also trusted people are saying it’s a mitzvah to do this.
"My fear is that they want to evacuate these areas and not let them back for security reasons or to create 15 minute cities there. They should have secured the border and take back Gaza instead of evacuating Jewish citizens. Nobody is talking about this....
"... How convenient to make it seem like a big mitzvah to help in the evacuation of our cities. Why have the difficulty of another Gush Katif when you can remove them quickly and without a fight while providing a mitzvah opportunity?"
Indeed, the clear message from the powers-that-be to the tens of thousands of residents of Sderot and other border cities is "We can't protect you, and we're not going to try to protect you, so best to leave."
Indeed, reports indicate that over 70% of residents from Sderot have already fled. Sderot is not a moshav, it's a full-fledged city. A city cannot survive this way. What about the businesses? What about the mortgages? What about the local economy? What about all the food that is grown in the south?
Sderot and other border cities are being dismantled before our very eyes, while everyone is being distracted by other things (turn off the accursed media already!).
This is a personal catastrophe to every one of these people, a national catastrophe, a betrayal of our people, a literal chruban of Eretz Yisrael from within. All while hundreds of thousands of soldiers are being toyed with to serve a larger agenda, for which they are nothing but disposable pawns.
תניא ר' יהודה אומר דור שבן דוד בא בו בית הוועד יהיה לזנות והגליל יחרב והגבלן יאשם ואנשי גבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו וחכמת הסופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו ופני הדור כפני כלב והאמת נעדרת
This now-famous Gemara from Sanhedrin 97A speaks about the things that will occur in the generation in which Moshiach will come. I spoke about this many times in the past, as have other rabbis. All of these signs have occurred in our time, but the one in bold was a bit of a stretch...until now.
"The people of the borders will go around from city to city and will not be treated with mercy."
Indeed, the people are being herded into more concentrated areas, large ghettos, while a final solution to the problem is surely being planned by our Erev Rav "leaders" and the people they really answer to.
Enough, please. We need Moshiach. A Jewish Kingdom under Torah law. Nothing else is acceptable.
The following is an article by the late Barry Chamish that spells out much of the playbook. As always, think for yourself and draw your own conclusions:
"The Secret War Against the Settlers"
By Barry Chamish
Sharon pulled off a coup. Defying his party and supposedly his ideals, he wrangled a Gaza pullout from his government. How did he do it? Through a level of criminality even he is incapable of reaching alone. He had help; the most corrupt and murderous help currently available on the planet.
We begin our understanding of the secret war against the settlers in December, 1993 when a true patriot working in the communications department of a government ministry risked his job and life by letting me read intercepted transcripts of the secret clauses of Oslo, negotiated by Yossi Beilin. He gave the same transcripts to journalists Steve Rodan and Hillel Halkin, but I was the only one to publish the most shocking sections.
The parties agreed to hand over all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the PLO and rid the areas of their Jewish residents. The means to this end included increased terror and, this was the most shocking section, the targeted elimination of the population's religious and political leaders. The assassinations began shortly after, with the shooting of NRP leader Rabbi Chaim Duckman's car, killing his driver and the murder of Moledet leader Miriam Lapid's husband and son in an ambush. The method proved itself when Lapid moved to a new home within the Green Line.
This encouraged the "peacemakers," and the campaign of murder was stepped up. Rabbis throughout the territories fell like kingpins; Shapiro, Kahane, Lieberman et al and to pave the way for the Gaza evacuation, Rabbi Yitzhak Arama, the revered rabbi of Gush Katif, was rubbed out in an ambush in 2002. The Israeli hit team gave his location to the Arab triggermen. That is the case in all the targeted murders aimed at demoralizing the Jews from their homes. I mean all.
In December 2003, I had a visit from a career soldier, 27 years in the IDF. He told me that soldiers were being murdered from within the IDF to further political goals. "There was this Ben Yosef from Efrat. He was a leader of the hilltop outposts movement. The killers tricked the Air Force into shooting his car with a missile from a helicopter. Then last October 27, they did it again in Netzarim. In the afternoon, the base commander stripped the weapons from three soldiers, two of them women. At night, two terrorists somehow got past base security, which never happened before, and murdered the three disarmed soldiers. They knew exactly where they were sleeping. In a base of over 150 soldiers, that would have been completely impossible without information from our side. The next day the government announced its pullout plan for Netzarim. They murdered three soldiers from the coastal area, two of them young women, none of whom had a chance to defend themselves, just to persuade secular Israelis that it was too risky for their children to stay in Gaza."
Fast forward to May 2004. The Likud Party holds a referendum to decide the future of Gaza. It looks like the Sharon pullout will be defeated. Drastic action was needed. A pregnant mother, Tali Khatuel and her four daughters were slaughtered in their car on the way out of Gaza to participate in a referendum rally. IDF soldiers were not 30 yards away from the massacre and did nothing to stop it. Surely, this ghastly crime would persuade the middle-of-the road Likudniks that it was too dangerous to stay in Gaza. But it did not and Sharon was defeated.
This required even ghastlier atrocities. What could be better than arranging for the murder of 13 young soldiers and even better, the gleeful mutilation of their bodies. For this operation, the Israeli hit team needed international cooperation and got it.
`291 The Judenrat Destroying Israel Under Our Noses
Chananya Weissman
October 22, 2023
While everyone is distracted, the Erev Rav who temporarily rule over our land are busy making large swaths of the country Judenrein under the pretext of protecting them. Many tens of thousands of Jews have already been turned into refugees, wards of the state, while their homes are left abandoned and their cities turned into ghost towns.
That was the idea all along.
Terrorizing people into compliance, making them beg to be taken away from their homes and cities, is the most efficient way to cede control of our land.
The same people who were too incompetent to put one Apache helicopter in the air for 8 hours while there was a massive invasion and thousands of Jews in 2 dozen communities were being slaughtered, raped, mutilated, and driven many kilometers through open land to Gaza, while it was being gleefully livestreamed...yes, those same people are disarming border communities and have "evacuated" tens of thousands of Jews from all over the south and north with German efficiency, where they will now be refugees living in concentrated areas, large ghettos if you will.
All for their own protection and the greater good, of course. They will own nothing and be happy.
And these same people are still giving orders to hundreds of thousands of Jewish soldiers currently stationed outside a death trap, far from their vulnerable homes. How comfortable are you with that?
Thankfully, our good friends in America, who always have our back, have sent warships and many thousands of soldiers, so just in case something unfortunate were to happen to our soldiers, they could take over and protect us.
Stop reading the propaganda, and stop bending over backwards to rationalize this as good intentions or incompetence. It's well-planned, highly coordinated evil, plain and simple. And stop being hung up on “why would they do this?” Whether or not you can be absolutely certain of the motive, they did it and they're doing it.
* * *
At what point did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto come to the realization that they had more to lose by continuing to be docile and follow instructions than to fight?
At what point did the Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and other death camps decide they would rather risk dying today to rise up against their oppressors than keep their heads down and hope tomorrow would be better?
What pushed them over the edge?
What made them cross the line?
Now IS the time to ask questions.
* * *
Israel is displacing tens of thousands of Jews from dozens of cities and communities all over the north and south of the country. They are turning large cities into ghost towns and families with homes into refugees. Instead of disarming (and destroying) the people who are firing rockets into these areas, they are disarming small settlements surrounded by well-armed Arabs waiting for the order to slaughter the Jews.
As rockets continue to penetrate deeper into the country, it is clear that liquidating (surrendering) cities near the border and concentrating tens of thousands of Jewish refugees into the center “for their own protection” indefinitely is a farce.
Since the “leaders” of Israel have established that rocket fire is a valid pretext for liquidating cities, and since rockets can reach anywhere in the country, it is clear what must be done. The entire land must be liquidated of Jews for their own protection.
293 A Leisurely Massacre
Chananya Weissman
October 24, 2023
Extremely important article: PA armored vehicles agreed to by Israel move into position as Israeli citizens begin taking countermeasures
Solutions: Mass teshuva and tefilla, obviously. Then the hundreds of thousands of fine, heavily armed Jewish soldiers should consider a different direction than just doing what they are told. The people giving them orders no longer have any legitimacy. Continuing to obey them should be more frightening at this point than defying them.
* * *
Allow yourself to be enraged by this recording and no longer fret about “innocent civilians”.
Then allow yourself to wonder how this kid who just murdered ten Jews in cold blood would be preoccupied with bragging to mom and dad on the phone when he should have been expecting an overwhelming military response any moment.
This is not an isolated incident. They took their leisure, because they knew there would be no overwhelming military response, or any meaningful military response, for quite a bit of time. So they could spare a few minutes to call home, take selfies, rape and torture people, loot their dead bodies, and other fun activities.
They knew they would have time.
It's the only reasonable explanation.
Stop talking yourself out of it. Break out of the conditioning, and let the cold hard truth sink in.
Then allow yourself to be enraged at the people who enabled this atrocity. The most dangerous enemy is the one within.
`294 The Erev Rav want us dead
Chananya Weissman
October 26, 2023
It is not the time and place for us to fight a physical war. If we are attacked we need to defend ourselves, of course, and some hishtadlus there is appropriate, but anyone who thinks arming a few dozen people here and there is going to save us is delusional and distant from Hashem — exactly what the government wants.
The emphasis needs to be on a mass teshuva movement, a complete separation from the state and their media, and no more following their orders.
Those who want to advance the physical aspect of the response should try to influence the hundreds of thousands of armed Jewish men idling by the borders waiting to be sent into death traps while their homes are vulnerable.
* * *
On that note, I received the following from a commander of a local citizen's protection squad in a major city that I will not name for security reasons. It illustrates EVERYTHING that is wrong with this response — which, I believe, is precisely the reason our Erev Rav leaders who want us dead are promoting it.
I have put the key lines in bold. If I didn't do that, it would be very, very easy for people to be excited by this development instead of seeing it for what it really is — just another Erev Rav smokescreen to keep us chained to those who want us dead and have a false sense of security (the situation is under control by the authorities and experts), while distancing us from Hashem.
*Important message to all armed men in [major city]*
As of this Shabbat, there is an alert squad with full authority from the Israel Police, in coordination and communication with police and community officials.
This class is armed with long weapons and works in all operational aspects of the defense of our city, under the sole command of the Israel Police
It is about 60 fighters.
In a real event, this force is a police force for all intents and purposes and is the *only* community force that has legal authority, intelligence information, and means to wage war!!!!!
*I emphasize in all seriousness in order to save lives:*
In the event of a real incident, the armed public in [major city] *is requested in every language of request* to think a million times before interfering in the incident!!!!!!
In a few minutes the standby squad will arrive and conduct a fight, *and it's your duty* to prevent the situation of a police shooting - God forbid they shoot you and don't shoot us!
If you are involved in an emergency incident - be ready to *identify* in front of the emergency room and act *solely* according to our instructions in the field. As I mentioned - these are people who are policemen for all intents and purposes.
Please spread this to every gunman you know.
If you have any questions, you can contact me privately....
End of quote.
In other words, this citizens task force is just another branch of the police and is entirely beholden to them, even in the event of an attack. They must wait for orders and comply with orders. At the same time, residents who are under attack must wait for these saviors to come and rescue them (which worked out wonderfully for the people in the south), while being warned that they don't have the LEGAL AUTHORITY to protect themselves, and that doing so is dangerous.
It could even get them shot by the task force, who mistake Jews protecting themselves for terrorists.
So sit back and do nothing. You're in good hands.
* * *
The Israeli Deep State is Enabling the Next Jewish Massacre
They are arming our enemies, disarming our people, and whatever you hear about them making it easier for some people to get weapons is a smokescreen, a fig leaf. Again, they want us dead.
The Arabs in Israel are celebrating and waiting for the green light to slaughter the Jews: Arab Citizens of Israel, "Innocent Civilians", Celebrating Rocket Fire on Israel
If you manage to survive the next massacre, you will own nothing and be happy: Gantz said to tell Gaza border residents they might not return home for a year
A few weeks sure turned into a year pretty quickly. Then again, it was just two weeks to flatten the curve. If anyone still trusts anything these professional liars say, they might as well just roll over and die right now.
Here's more: The Judenrat Are Uprooting Jewish Communities in the North
English summary: The army is removing Jews from their homes in the northern city of Kiryat Shmona. This resident is warning people that if they allow themselves to be removed they will most likely never be allowed to return. This is your home, your family, and no one has the right to remove you from your home. Take a stand now and do not allow themselves to trample on your rights, or it will be too late.
He further notes that if anyone attempted to remove an Arab from his home, he would fight, and 100 neighbors would immediately come to his aid. The Jews need to do the same.
Seriously, at this point, what do you have to lose? At what point will people finally cross the line and treat those who are coming to destroy their lives as enemies, even if they speak Hebrew and dress as Jews? At what point is it more dangerous to listen to authority than to defy it? When the gas comes out of the showerheads instead of warm water, it's already far too late.
* * *
We don't have the time to learn how to fight and we have no way of getting resources without the establishment's permission. If we made an Altalena they would sink it again. It's not the right direction at this point.
Trust me, there is almost nothing I would rather do than mow down terrorists, but I'm not delusional. We are in an impossible situation — which is precisely what needs to happen for us to collectively wake up, cast off the idolatrous reliance on fake leaders, the IDF, foreign nations, or anything else.
We have only Hashem, and He is waiting for us to turn to Him, only to Him, and stand proud for His great name. This is the unity we need. Unity with Hashem, and unity with each other under the Torah and faith in His protection. He WILL fight for us, but we need to divorce ourselves from the Erev Rav and their schemes.
The Erev Rav have no legitimacy to give us orders.
They have no right to take away your weapons or destroy your community.
They should not be relied upon in any way to protect you.
The IDF should be disbanded and replaced with a true Jewish army, which will operate entirely according to the laws of the Torah, which are clearly outlined for us.
Everyone with a true Jewish spirit takes orders from no one that are contrary to the Torah and the wellbeing of the Jewish people.
As soon as we internalize the true Torah messages and truly turn to Hashem en masse, we will no longer need to learn in more painful ways, and we will enjoy the real victory we all desire. There is no other way.
(End of quoted articles by Rabbi Weissman. Here is the link to his articles:
I received the following in an email:
The Times of Israel
© 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved
Surveillance soldiers warned of Hamas activity on Gaza border for months before Oct. 7
Survivors of massacre on IDF base say they passed information up the chain of command on digging, mapping, training near the fence long before mass onslaught, but were ignored
The brutal Hamas massacre on October 7 was preceded by months of warning signs noted by IDF surveillance soldiers and disregarded as unimportant by intelligence officials, according to eyewitness accounts given in recent days.
At least three months prior to the attack, surveillance soldiers serving on a base in Nahal Oz reported signs that something unusual was underway at the already-tumultuous Gaza border, situated a kilometer from them.
The activity reported by the soldiers included information on Hamas operatives conducting training sessions multiple times a day, digging holes and placing explosives along the border. According to the accounts of the soldiers, no action was taken by those who received the reports.
IDF surveillance soldiers, referred to in Hebrew as tatzpitaniyot, belong to the Combat Intelligence Corps and operate along the country’s borders, as well as throughout the West Bank.
The surveillance soldiers are referred to by many as “the eyes of the army” as they provide real-time intelligence information to soldiers in the field, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The soldiers gather information through a variety of cameras, sensors and maps, and are expected to be acutely aware of every small change that happens in the 15-30 kilometers of land that they are each responsible for monitoring.
Once relevant information has been gathered by the surveillance soldiers, it is passed up the chain of command, including to intelligence officials who then determine what steps need to be taken. However, according to the accounts of two surveillance soldiers stationed on a base in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, the signs of what was to come on October 7 were never taken seriously.
In a segment aired on Kan News on Wednesday evening, two soldiers, Yael Rotenberg and Maya Desiatnik, recounted their experiences in the months before the attack and up until 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 7.
Rotenberg recalled frequently seeing many Palestinians dressed in civilian clothing approach the border fence with maps, examining the ground around it and digging holes. One time, when she passed the information on, she was told that they were farmers, and there was nothing to worry about.
Rotenberg was asleep when the attack began, and of the surveillance soldiers who were in the living quarters that morning, she is the only one to have survived. Desiatnik, who was on duty, was the only other surveillance soldier at the base not killed or abducted.
“It’s infuriating,” she told Kan of the intelligence failure. “We saw what was happening, we told them about it, and we were the ones who were murdered.”
The Hamas terrorists would train at the border fence nonstop, Desiatnik told Kan. At first, it was once a week, then once a day, and then nearly constantly.
In addition to passing on information about the frequency of the training going on at the fence, the surveillance soldier said she collected evidence of the content of the training, which included how to drive a tank and how to cross into Israel via a tunnel. As the activity on the border increased, she realized that “it was just a matter of time” until something happened
Former tatzpitaniyot Amit Yerushalmi and Noa Melman corroborated the accounts of the two survivors in an interview published by Channel 12 on Thursday morning.
Yerushalmi had finished her mandatory service a month prior to October 7, and had observed the increased activity on the Gaza border in the months leading up to her release.
“We sat on shifts and saw the convoy of vans. We saw the training, people shooting and rolling, practicing taking over a tank. The training went from once a week to twice a week, from every day to several times a day,” she told Channel 12.
“We saw patrols along the border, people with cameras and binoculars. It happened 300 meters from the fence. There were a lot of disturbances, people went down to the fence and detonated an outrageous amount of explosives, the amount of explosives was crazy.”
Like Rotenberg and Desiatnik, Yerushalmi said that she passed the information along, but that nobody seemed to take it seriously.
“I saw what was happening, I wrote everything down on the computer and passed it on. I don’t know what happened with it, we don’t actually know what they do with the information.”
Melman finished her mandatory service some nine months ago, but told Channel 12 that even then, there were indications of what was to come, including a mock border fence set up by Hamas in order for the terrorists to practice, again and again, blowing up the border and crossing over to the other side.
“Our commanders told us to report what we saw, but everyone treated it like it was normal, like it was routine,” she said.
On Wednesday evening, video footage was acquired and aired by Channel 12 in which a convoy of white pickup trucks — which are favored by Hamas terrorists and were used on October 7 — can be seen driving past the border fence, at one point coming to a halt while those driving observed the border.
While Channel 12 has said that the footage was taken a month before October 7, this claim has been disputed, with other reports claiming it was captured just one week prior.
A Ynet military correspondent called it “old news” in a post on X, formerly Twitter. “These are pickup trucks with Hamas operatives; they have been patrolling the Gaza border road every day since 2015,” he added.
A report from the news outlet from 2015 backs up his claim, with footage of Hamas patrolling on the then newly constructed border road, some 300 meters from the fence.
At the time, Ynet reported that it was unclear if the patrols were being carried out for intelligence purposes, or if their purpose was to intimidate the IDF.
Yerushalmi explained to Channel 12 that the patrol featured in the recent video differed from the regular patrols, although she did not explain why.
“When we saw the convoy of pickup trucks, we said it was suspicious, it shouldn’t happen, it’s not something they do on a daily basis. In the two years I served, I never saw anything like it.”
In the weeks before October 7, Rotenberg noticed that the efforts of the Hamas soldiers were concentrated at two specific points of the area she was responsible for tracking. However, she continued to hear from her commanders that it wasn’t important and that there was nothing that could be done about it.
On October 7, the areas highlighted by Rotenberg were just two of the multiple points along the fence through which 2,500 Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel.
Desiatnik began her shift at 3:30 a.m. on October 7. It started as normal, she recounted to Kan, but at 6:30 a.m., everything changed.
“We saw people running to the border from every direction, running with guns. We saw motorbikes and pickup trucks driving straight at the fence,” she said. “We watched them blow up the fence and destroy it. And we might have been crying but we continued to do our jobs at the same time.”
It was then that their cameras were cut.
Speaking to Channel 12, Yerushalmi touched on what the survivors of the massacre feel is a complete failure of the IDF to protect them after failing to take their warnings seriously.
“They [the surveillance soldiers] understood what was happening and knew exactly what to do. Usually with these events, you understand very quickly what is happening.
“We were taught that we would report on the incident, we would direct helicopters to the scene, and someone would come and save us,” she said. “Our mission was to protect the kibbutz, not ourselves. They always said that someone would come and protect us.”
(End of quotes.)
Is this perhaps exactly what Hashem wants to show us - to remove our misplaced faith from others and rely ONLY on Him?